Referencing Assets


In this section it’s assumed your compiled assets are located under web/assets/.

In templates

To reference an asset from a template, you do as you normally would, with Symfony’s asset helper:

<img src="{{ asset('images/foo.png') }}" />


You’re referencing the compiled asset, from the web/assets directory, not the source asset.

This will automatically prefix, and when in production cache-bust, the URL so the previous call would ouput:

<img src="/assets/images/foo.png" />

Or, in production:

<img src="/assets/images/foo-123abc.png" />

In styleshets

It’s common that you need to reference images from your stylesheets. To do that, use the url() notation and the full path to the image, relative to web/assets/:

background-image: url(images/foo.png);


Remember that you’re referencing the compiled asset, from the web/assets directory, not the source asset.


Never reference images in stylesheets with a relative path like ../images/foo.png. Relative paths make the code harder to reason about, are unnecessary and will be converted to the absolute path (i.e. ../ is stripped).

The compiled CSS would be:

background-image: url(/assets/images/foo.png);

Or, in production:

background-image: url(/assets/images/foo-123abc.png);